As technology advances, so do the methods used by hackers and other malicious actors to gain access to a person’s or business’ data. While there are steps that can be taken to protect against these threats, many people fail to understand the importance of cyber security and put themselves and their businesses at risk. In this blog post, we take a look at some of the most common cyber security mistakes made by individuals and companies.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is not changing their passwords regularly. Most services require you to update your password every few months, but many people don’t bother with it – or worse yet, they use the same password for all of their online accounts.
This makes it easy for hackers to gain access if one account is compromised, as they can then use that same password to access other accounts too. It’s important that everyone has different passwords for each service that they use in order to stay secure.

Changing passwords a lot can be intimidating, we have all been at a login screen trying password after password to get in. It is hard enough to keep track of all the accounts and password we have without changing passwords often. Fortunately, there is an easy solution to this problem! Password managers can make updating and remembering complicated passwords easy. Here is a list of the top-rated password managers of 2023. Please note some of these options may be a paid service.

Another mistake commonly made is neglecting software updates. Whether it’s on your computer or mobile device, keeping everything up-to-date with the latest versions of software is key. Outdated versions have known vulnerabilities which can easily be exploited by malicious actors wanting access to your data or device itself. Pay special attention when such updates are released and install them as soon as possible in order to stay secure.
Finally, another common mistake involves not having two-factor authentication enabled when available on websites and services you use often – such as online banking. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security beyond just entering a username and password since it requires you to input a code sent via text message or generated from an app on your phone before logging in successfully. Although this process may be annoying at times, it can save you from becoming a victim of identity theft or worse if someone else gains access to your account without permission.
Cyber security isn’t something that should be taken lightly; taking measures such as these will help ensure that your data remains safe and secure from any bad actors out there looking for weaknesses in your system. By following these tips and staying vigilant when using the internet, you’ll be well on your way towards keeping yourself and your business secure online.